What is a For Sale By Owner (FSBO)?
Generally speaking, when people put their homes up for sale, they do it through a real estate agent, who then promotes the property on their behalf. However, sometimes a seller will choose to put the house up for sale themselves, in what is known as a “For Sale By Owner” or FSBO listing. But what … What is a For Sale By Owner (FSBO)?
What is a Form Contract?
It does not take much time to look online to find so-called “form contracts” for any number of uses. Some people, in fact, may see these as extremely useful, but they carry some serious potential drawbacks if you rely on them too much, particularly in the case of real estate transactions. But what exactly is … What is a Form Contract?
What Happens if Your Property Has a Title Defect?
When people look to purchase a home, their first concern is often about the physical state of the property: whether it needs repairs or maintenance, whether it has modern appliances or an up-to-date HVAC system, and so on. However, it is just as important to know if your property has a clear title, or if … What Happens if Your Property Has a Title Defect?
What Closing Costs Are You Responsible For?
When you enter into a contract to purchase or sell a home, you have probably already invested a great deal of money into the project. However, there are still important expenses to pay when the deal closes, which are collectively referred to as closing costs. But what exactly are closing costs, and how do you … What Closing Costs Are You Responsible For?
Understanding the Process of Selling a Home in NJ
It can be stressful to think about what it takes to sell a home, especially if you have never been through the process before. It is essential that you understand the process of selling your home, so you can ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. Here are the typical steps selling a home in … Understanding the Process of Selling a Home in NJ
Five Real Estate Issues That May Affect Newlyweds
If you have recently married, you may be looking to purchase a new home for yourself and your spouse. However, there are many potential complications that can arise from buying a home as a newly married couple. Here are five real estate issues that may affect newlyweds:
Why Might You Buy and Sell a House on the Same Day?
If you are a current homeowner looking to purchase a new house for your family, you may be concerned about the timing of moving from one home to another. For that reason, you may be thinking about trying to buy and sell a house on the same day. While this can have its benefits, it … Why Might You Buy and Sell a House on the Same Day?
Six Issues To Be Careful of as a First Time Home Buyer
If you are facing the prospect of buying a house for the first time, you may be unsure about what you should do. After all, while it is exciting to become a new homeowner, it also comes with a lot of expenses and potential risks. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do as … Six Issues To Be Careful of as a First Time Home Buyer
Seven Property Defects That Could Cost You
When purchasing a new home, it is essential to have a home inspection. A home inspection will reveal potential defects which you can request seller repair, perhaps request a credit, or you may elect to accept the property in its condition – but you will know what you will need to repair in the future. … Seven Property Defects That Could Cost You
What Are Contingencies And Why Do You Need Them?
Most real estate contracts have contingencies, and it is important to understand what these contingencies are and how they may impact the buyer or seller. So, what are the potential contingencies in a real estate contract, exactly, and how do they impact the transaction?